How to Integrate Stripe with Google Sheets

Start syncing your Stripe payments into Google Sheets - directly from the Stripe dashboard.

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to start syncing your Stripe payments data into Google Sheets in realtime.

1. Install Bearsync for Google Sheets

Install Bearsync for Google Sheets from the Stripe App Marketplace. Bearsync is a Stripe App that's free to try out - you can start syncing Stripe payments into your Google Sheets documents without leaving the Stripe dashboard.

2. Connect your Google Account to Bearsync

After installing Bearsync, you will be taken to the Bearsync settings page. Click Sign in with Google, and select your Google account. During the connection process, ensure that you enable Bearsync permissions for Google Drive and Google Sheets.

3. Select your Google Sheet

Once Bearsync is connected, you should see the option to select which Google Sheet you want to set up syncing for. You must select an empty Google Sheet. If you don't have any empty Google Sheets documents, create a new Google Sheet in your Google Drive.

4. Enable Syncing

Now that your sheet is selected, let's set up syncing. Start by clicking the Apply Recommended Layout button. This will add recommended headers to your Google Sheet, such as Date, Customer Name, Customer Email, Amount, and Line Items. Once the recommended headers are added, feel free to change the header names or add new columns and select additional data to sync. After adding new headers, click the Refresh Column Headers button to see the new columns in the Bearsync App. Once you're happy with the columns, click the Enable realtime sync toggle to enable syncing.

5. Wait for Payments to Come in

Once you've set up syncing, your work is done! Wait for your next payment, and then check that it was successfully synced to your Google Sheet.

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